Transforming Futures Campaign - Phase One

Transforming Futures, Phase One will bring a key pillar of DVFriends' strategic plan to life: investing in our home. After years of thoughtful planning, and discussions with our Board, community members, and donors, DVFriends will embark on a series of projects to expand access to a DVFriends education and make improvements which will impact every students' experience.
Please watch our short video, above, as our Board, school leaders and teachers discuss the impact of Transforming Futures at DVFriends.
Expanded Cafeteria and Commercial Kitchen - Final Project in Need of Funding!
Students from each division will be able to enjoy meals together at the same time in a larger cafeteria, with fresh and healthy meals prepared in a commercial kitchen, which will increase from 150 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. A new flex cafe room and media center will provide additional space for lunch, and can also be used for open houses, meetings and presentations at other times. The cafeteria will open directly onto our new cafe courtyard.

Cafe Courtyard
The cafeteria will open directly onto a beautiful new cafe courtyard. Picnic tables and terraced seating, surrounded by lush gardens, will provide a lovely spot for lunch, for classes to meet outside, and for other community gatherings. Completed August 2024.

New Southeast Wing for Arts Classrooms, General Purpose Classrooms, Offices
A new addition to our building, extending towards the Dragon's Rock Playspace, will provide ample space to continue to serve current students as we grow. The new wing will add two new general purpose classrooms and several offices. Our Visual Arts and Ceramics and Sculpture classrooms will also be relocated here from their current basement locations, providing a more inspiring home for our thriving arts program. In process

Improved Entrance and Reception Area
The school's entryway will be relocated to the point where DV's two buildings meet. This choice allows us to create a central reception area which everyone will pass by on their way into the building, whether they are coming in the front or the back entrance. It also allows the front entrance to our school to be fully accessible for the first time in our school's history. In process

Responsible Stormwater Management, Expanded Parking, Enhanced Landscaping
We will install six large underground stormwater cisterns on campus to capture rainfall and mitigate stormwater runoff into the surrounding neighborhood and Valley Creek. A rain garden will be situated on top of one of these cisterns at the entrance to our campus, making some of this stormwater catchment visible and providing educational opportunities for students and neighbors.
Landscaping throughout campus will be greatly enhanced. Hundreds of plants will be added that are mostly native to Pennsylvania, providing critical habitat for butterflies and pollinators.
Finally, expanded parking will accommodate a larger student body.
Excitement is BUILDING
On April 25, 2024 we broke ground on Phase One, with friends, neighbors, officials from the township, and representatives from our state and local government. Shortly thereafter, we made the exciting announcement that, thanks to the generosity and foresight of many early-stage donors, we had raised $3.7M of our $5M philanthropic target - 74% of our campaign goal!

View more photos from our groundbreaking ceremony
It will take a community to bring these dreams to life. We invite you to join us in transforming futures for DV students!
Friends of the school have generously extended matches and challenges to inspire participation. These could double the impact of your gift! We also welcome multi-year gifts and pledges, and planned gifts.
Naming opportunities are available for gifts of $25K+, and all gifts over $10K - as well as planned gifts committed during the campaign period - will be acknowledged permanently at DV on an elegant donor wall at the school's entrance. View available naming opportunities by clicking the link below:
Please contact a member of our development team to discuss your involvement, explore ways to make a gift, or inquire about naming opportunities:
Simone Kershner, Associate Director for Leadership Giving: [email protected] or 610.640.4150, ext. 3030
Kelly Knox, Assistant Director for Community and Alumni Engagement: [email protected] or 610.640.4150, ext. 2153
Stephanie Speakman, Development Operations Manager: [email protected] or 610.640.4150, ext. 2151