Lower School

DVFriends Lower School students inside Makerspace
Welcome to Lower School at DVFriends
DVFriends’ Lower School program is rooted in the best current research and evidence-based teaching practices supporting diverse learners. Language arts remediation, multisensory math instruction, and supporting students’ executive functioning are the cornerstones of our academic program. All of our lower school lead teachers are Orton-Gillingham trained and bring that flexible, individualized approach to every subject. The program is further enriched with a variety of specials such as music, theater and movement, PE, health, and time in the Makerspace, as well as daily recess--to create a well-rounded program that engages students in a variety of skills and activities.
At DVFriends, education is about more than strong academics and co-curricular experiences. Our Quaker community is welcoming and built on values of respect, acceptance, and lifting up what makes each of us--students and faculty--unique. Lower School is integrated into the whole DVFriends community for daily Quaker Gathering, weekly Meeting for Worship, school-wide service projects, and community-building activities.
We invite you to learn more about the program below, and please, join us for an Admissions Event where we can meet face-to-face and answer any of your questions.
In Friendship,
Christy Zawadzkas signature
Christy Zawadzkas
Christy Zawadzkas
Lower School Director

Lower School Schedule 2024-25
In Language Arts students receive direct, explicit, multisensory, hands-on instruction as they learn the essential skills involved with reading comprehension and fluency including; decoding, spelling, writing, vocabulary, and morphology (word forms and roots). Students participate in interactive games and projects as they practice and refine these skills. We have developed our own accredited Orton-Gillingham based teacher training program, focused on teaching language skills to adolescent learners. All of our language arts teachers receive training and certification in this program. Content area teachers also receive training in these methods to ensure consistent approaches to language use and instruction across the entire curriculum.
DVFriends Lower School uses The Writing Revolution, developed by Judith Hochman, as its approach to writing instruction across the curriculum. It is an evidence-based, proven method that explicitly teaches core writing skills while simultaneously deepening students’ knowledge. It is a systematic and explicit approach that equips students with the ability to recognize and construct clear and complex sentences, paragraphs, and compositions. Lower school teachers are trained in The Writing Revolution.
Link The Writing Revolution to: https://www.thewritingrevolution.org/method/
The DVFriends Lower School Math program aligns with the Common Core framework but is delivered through the multisensory math approach. This approach is based and focused on the “meaning behind the math”. When learning a new skill, students first experience it at the concrete (manipulatives-based) level. This tactile experience helps students grasp the next level which is representational (illustration-based). Finally, the students are ready to tackle the skill in the abstract (using digits and traditional formulas) because the concept is now grounded in real meaning. Instruction is given through direct whole-group instruction, modeling, and independent practice.
This academic block features hands-on multisensory lessons that integrate reading, writing, science, and social studies. In writing, students are exposed to the Writing Revolution program, which is an evidence-based and proven methodology based on the work of Judith Hochman. This methodology rests on explicit, carefully sequenced instruction -- building from sentences to compositions. Additionally, through fiction and nonfiction texts, students are exposed to different thematic areas throughout the year with an intentional connection to project-based learning activities related to social studies and science.
Support for time and materials management is integrated into each lower school classroom. We have daily communication logs called the STAR sheet that serve as our parent communication tool and help students develop self-awareness. A single-binder system also supports our students and is set up in a very systematic way and used across the curriculum. This effective organizational system stays with students through middle school, and at times beyond.
Our faculty has worked with national experts in developing our approaches to EF support, including Sarah Ward, Russell Barkley, Sam Goldstein, and others. Here you can find an interview with Sarah Ward when she visited DVFriends in 2016.
We use a 1:1 iPad program in Lower School. Each student has a dedicated iPad that stays at school and use of assistive technology informed by each student’s learning difference.


Lower School has a variety of Specials and unique programs that round out the curriculum and focus on the development of the whole child.

The purpose of Lower School Music has been to give the students a chance to be creative together and work towards the shared goal of making beautiful music. Students use percussion and vocalize in music class with teacher Tim Simmons, who has created an innovative curriculum around improvisation. Students of varying musical experience and ability can participate in this form of making music, which research shows also activates the areas of the brain that students use in both language acquisition and executive function. So, while the students are having a great time making sounds and playing together they are also working on strengthening the neural pathways that will help address their learning differences.
The Lower School art program is designed to provide each student with an outlet to promote self-discovery and creative problem solving while developing craftsmanship within their skills and learning how to visually communicate ideas. Lower school students are exposed to drawing and painting as well as ceramics. Their work is displayed in the all-school Arts Festival in the spring.
In Lower School Physical Education classes, students are exposed to many different activities that use eye/hand and eye/foot coordination. Throwing, catching, dodging, aiming, basic movements and game situations are explored. Some games and activities are team-oriented while others are individual. A variety of the activities are designed to promote problem-solving and critical thinking. In all activities, sportsmanship, teamwork, and supporting one another are modeled and emphasized. Students are encouraged to be physically active and learn the benefits of lifelong activity.
The Lower School Makerspace class encourages hands-on, creative ways for students to design, experiment, build, and invent. Students hone their design thinking skills. Trial and error build resilience and confidence as students collaborate, think critically, problem-solve, communicate, and discover by doing.
Students learn to use their voices and bodies as they explore acting and movement through improvisational games. Students enjoy the physical aspect of this class and have a lot of fun learning from teacher Khalil Munir, a DVFriends alumnus who is himself an award-winning actor.
In partnership with the Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice, students engage in various activities to help increase their awareness of differences, rights and social justice. 
Fifth-grade students are paired up with upper school mentors in DVFriends’ chapter of this national peer-to-peer program. Our younger and older students discuss their learning differences through interactive art projects designed to help them learn about their strengths.
Lower school is an integral part of DVFriends Quaker community, and the students participate in daily all-school Gathering and weekly Meeting for Worship. These are Quaker practices that begin with silence in which members of the community may stand and share what is on their minds if so moved, followed by announcements. Lower school students often announce lower school programs, friends’ birthdays, and introduce visitors during announcements. In addition, lower school students learn about the Quaker values of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship (called the SPICES) during lower school community time on Fridays.
Lower school students participate in school-wide and division-specific service projects, such as collecting blankets for homeless shelters and food and toy drives around the holidays. Lower school students also have their own clubs that meet on Friday afternoons and are responsive to student interests. Current offerings include Baking Club, Art/LEGO Club, Movie & Stuffed Animal Club, and Sports Club.
CORE is a Character-Based Program that Lower School students participate in weekly. The goal is to build relationships with our students, further develop their social and emotional skills through group instruction.
Speech-Language Pathologist, Lydia Belezos, works with students one-on-one or in small groups once or twice a week to provide extra support for those who need those services. Speech-language services at this level for students who demonstrate a need are included in DVFriends tuition.
Our Lower School Counselor, Lisa Reedich, provides traditional school counseling support through short-term interventions to address social-emotional challenges that arise and helps families connect with outside resources if ongoing therapeutic support is needed. As a member of our student support team, our school counselors monitor the social-emotional needs of students and partner with faculty, families, and outside support providers to collaborate on meeting the needs of the whole student. Our Lower School Counselor provides direct instruction on social-emotional learning topics at developmentally appropriate levels to teach students self-awareness/management, responsible decision-making, social awareness, and relationship skills.
Download our guide to Early Warning Signs of Learning Differences in Pre-school and Elementary School Age Children

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